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University Hospital Salzburg

ERN CRANIO full member centre.

Dit ziekenhuis heeft expertise in:

The centre offers service for all patients with cleft lip/palate and with craniofacial anomalies. Patients are cared for by a cleft lip/palate team and a craniofacial team. The following specialties work closely together in both teams: Oral/maxillofacial and craniofacial surgery, speech and language therapy, neurosurgery, paediatric anaesthesiology and intensive care, ENT and phonetics, clinical genetics, orthodontics, ophthalmology, paediatric surgery, paediatrics, prenatal diagnostics, psychology, radiology, social work.

A nurse specialist coordinates patient care for cleft and for craniofacial patients. The same team sees patients from paediatric to adult age.

The centre receives referrals from all of Austria as well as international referrals for complex cases.


Team members regularly teach in the field of expertise at the medical university hospital of Salzburg.

Research is an integrated part of care and is done in close collaboration with team members within the centre. Team members are also involved in developing national guidelines and standards of care.

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