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UZ Gent

ERN CRANIO full member centre.

Dit ziekenhuis heeft expertise in:

Ghent University Hospital has a wide expertise in cleft and craniofacial anomaly patients, which is brought together in the cleft team. Our cleft team consists of all relevant disciplines (orthodontics, dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, ENT and head and neck surgery, genetics, speech therapy and other colleagues upon indication). A close collaboration with the neurosurgical team exists, which is a reference center for craniosynostosis patients. Other disciplines who frequently encounter our craniofacial patients are pediatrics including neonatal and pediatric intensive care, gynecology, pulmonology, radiology and anesthesiology. Members of the team are assigned to perform educational work. Scientific progress is regularly discussed and we add to existing knowledge based on our clinical and experimental experience. The cleft team is part of the Dutch Association for Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies (NVSCA) that aims to promote the treatment of patients with clefts and related anomalies in a group within the Dutch-speaking area.


Our specific expertise within ERN CRANIO is in genetic hearing loss and orodental anomalies, headed by Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Dhooge and Prof. Dr. Guy De Pauw respectively. Regarding genetic hearing loss, the ENT department is a referral center for newborns failing neonatal hearing screening. Upon hearing loss confirmation, independent of age, extensive etiological work-up including molecular testing is offered. A dedicated otogenetics consultation with both ENT surgeon and geneticist is available for (presumably) hereditary hearing loss patients. Moreover, our hospital is one of the largest centers for cochlear implantation in Belgium. Regarding orodental anomalies, a full dental team is available, also enabling interdisciplinary care. Specific diagnoses within the group of rare and/or complex orodental anomalies with which we are familiar, are oligodontia, dentin dysplasia, dentinogenesis and amelogenesis imperfecta and eruption/resorption anomalies amongst others.

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